Friday, 16 July 2010

Call for Papers - Postgraduate Work-in Progress Seminar, Institute of Classical Studies

Postgraduate Work-in Progress Seminar
Institute of Classical Studies
School of Advanced Study
University of London

We are now inviting abstracts from postgraduate students who would like topresent a paper at the seminar during the year 2010/11.

Speakers give a paper of about 45 minutes duration dealing with anysubject connected with the ancient world (broadly defined), the receptionof antiquity, or classical scholarship. They have the opportunity toreceive questions, moderated by the joint chairs, from an audience ofpostgraduate students, mainly, but not exclusively, from the University ofLondon, and to continue the discussion over wine and nibbles. The seminarprovides a friendly environment in which speakers are able to talk abouttheir research, take part in stimulating discussion of their paper, andextend their social and academic network. During the past two years wehave been pleased to attract speakers from twenty-four differentinstitutions in the United Kingdom and further afield in Europe.

The seminar will take place at Senate House at 4.30 p.m. on Fridays duringterm.

Speakers travelling from outside London will be eligible to submit a claimfor reimbursement of reasonable travelling expenses within the UK.

Please submit an abstract of about 300 words, together with a workingtitle for your paper, to both of the seminar’s joint and Thedeadline for submissions is 12 midday on 23 August 2010.

For further information please visit our website:

With all good wishes,
Stephen Royston-Davies and Alexander Millington

Institute of Classical Studies
School of Advanced Study
University of London
Senate House
Malet Street